Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Cara: That's all she wrote...

About summer that is. Monday night was the last "Monday Night at the Beach". All eight families couldn't make it, because as usual life kicks in and disrupts the best laid plans.
Kids ran around like nuts...ate cupcakes and candy and had plain 'ole fun. We caught up on what's going on had a few laughs and reluctantly headed home at dark knowing that it was the last one for the year. With football, soccer, lessons and homework Monday night at the beach will have to wait for next June. I hope all the kids still want to do it next year...I know they all look forward to it now.

Here are some scenes of our last MNATB:

Lifeguards are done and I guess so are we :(
Some dude hanging at the beach...ok ok it's Mike with a crazy mask waiting to make friends laugh as they arrive...he chickened out at the last minute, so TP did it instead...

I think the seagulls knew we wouldn't be back for awhile...disappointed I'm sure only because we leave good candy behind in the sand when we go home...

Toes and feet in the sand...time to get the groovy blue nail polish off I think....

Good night's been great. Same time next year.
Last night was a school night. By 10:00 p.m. the house is quiet. No Xbox booming from the den. No teenage girls giggling in the bedroom down the hall. Everyone tucked in already. One excited to be a "Junior" and almost able to "rule the school". One beginning High School and he doesn't even know these will be the times he remembers. And one beginning a new school too...sleeping with literally a smile on his face. I know he is dreaming about being a 2nd grader. It's good to be that little and to really be happy starting school tomorrow. (though the others are too they just never would admit it!) There are new times to wake up, new routines to be made. I will be alone by 9:30 a.m.. And I know for a minute I will have that empty feeling. You have permission to remind me of that when I am blogging (ranting) about too much going on!!! A happy, successful school year to all!!!!!!


Lori said...

It's sad to see the end of summer, but then we have the next one to look forward to!

Stopping by from SITS. Hope you are having a great day!

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