Saturday, August 21, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Simple Saturday

Today is going to be short - I have mush for brains and really not an interesting thought in my head.  I am concentrating on getting the laundry done today and really don't have room to think about much else.  My Mae is coming home today from a 12 day trip to Germany with her Aunt.  I am very excited to see her and here all her stories and see her pictures.  We picked a very grumpy, dirty boy  up from camp yesterday - he worked hard, had a good week and is very happy to be home.  My Lu had a wonderful week being an only child  - we spent three days at the beach.  We had lots of time together - and it was really nice for both of us.  I am looking forward to the chaos that will come with everyone being home again.  I missed my kids but not the messes they leave behind.  I only ran the dishwasher twice this week.  There is not so much picking up with two less kids.  It has been a nice break.

I have started a Mom's Happy Hour on my porch - which the other night turned into many happy hours - lot of laughs, desserts and drinks.  Here is the recipe for our signature drink courtesy of my neighbor Tracey - it's quite delicious and goes down a little too easy... Invite some girls over and give it a try.  Happy Summer.

Summer Beer
1 can frozen pink lemonade
1 can water
1 can vodka
1 can beer
Mix, serve over ice, enjoy!

Cara's two cents: I concur...and vodka & I don't get along! 


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