Saturday, December 26, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: A Great Day

Yesterday was a great day, not a perfect day - but great nonetheless. The kids got up at 6:45 - not too bad, I was expecting an earlier start. Running down the stairs to see what Santa had brought. No one was disappointed. Everyone was happy. The wrapping paper covered the floor from one end of the room to the other.

A new bicycle for Mae had her and her brother taking an early morning trip down to the beach. A keyboard for Lu had her playing Christmas tune with amazing ability. New pots for me had me in the kitchen whipping up a delicious Christmas feast. Sam was up in his room shooting hoops in his new basketball net. Hubby was helping put all the toys together. Everyone loving the morning - until its time to clean up because the family is coming! A bit of yelling, a bit of scolding to get things away, make a neat pile, help me in the kitchen, vacuum the floor... but it all came together. The house maybe not as neat as I would have liked - but no one seemed to notice. The Prime Rib and Ham making the house smell wonderful ... the cookies and desserts overflowing. The giant table stretched from one end of the dining room to the other. Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the barn for all to see as they drove up. A Christmas Celebration in my new house. Perfect.

Now it's time to put it all away - I am itching to take the tree down and put the decorations away, but I will hold off until next week. I will start putting small things away. Try to regain some simplicity. Wishing everyone a week of fun and joy and a Happy 2010 - my posts will be reruns next week as I navigate a week off from school. Happy New Year! See you in 2010.



Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays! It sounds like you had a great day! I understand--this morning I woke up, saw all the Christmas stuff, and I just wanted it all cleaned up! LOL! My kids will kill me if I take it down before New Year's, so up it all stays for another week.

Linda said...

Hi, Sounds like your Christmas was wonderful. I am coming to you by way of SITS. Love the list you made of all the goodies. thanks for letting me vist.

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