Saturday, December 19, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Let it Snow!

Yesterday's cookie exchange was great I have two beautiful trays of yummy cookies - my husband suggested a bake sale this morning, we have so many goodies! Can't wait to leave some for Santa.

So the big news today is the SNOW event that is brewing. If you live on the east coast, then you are waiting for the same event we are. The forecasters get all in a tizzy, with hour by hour predictions of when the event will start, how much, road conditions etc. It's mind boggling that snow can put so many adults over the edge and cause cheers among the little ones. Lu said to me today that she hopes it snow so much that there is no school Monday. I don't wish the same - it is Christmas week and I still have a few things to do so the kids being home for snow would kind of put a damper on things.

Running out now before the snow starts - I am sure I won't be the only one. Going to load up on firewood and wine so we can enjoy the snow outside and be toasty warm inside. Have a great Saturday wherever you are.


Angelica Bays, said...

Good Luck and Stay warm!!

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Since I live in Montana we have been lovin the white stuff for a while now and your post reminded me to stop and enjoy it....the thought of a warm fire and a glass of wine is exactly what I need today.

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