Monday, March 22, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Hit the Road Jack....

So today it starts. The packing, the cleaning, the arranging, the last minute planning. You need a vacation from the planning for a vacation!

My family doesn't exactly get my harried state. Can't blame them I guess, when three of them only have to worry about what they want to bring for themselves and one will just park himself in the car and either fall asleep, watch a movie or play Nintendo DSi.

We have decided to take a looooooong road trip. Did mention long? Yeah. We will stop at our friends house one night on the way. Then to Grandma's, then to visit a certain Mouse friend for a few days, back to Grandmas and then the loooooong trip back home. The Fab Five (that's us) in the car along with Godson and nine trillion electronic devices to keep passengers busy.

So the check list scrolls through my head constantly...kinda like that scrolly thing on the right over there. 

Everyone has the type of clothes they need since of course they have outgrown or outliked whatever they currently have? Check.

House/Pet sitter all lined up and everything they need here in the house? Check. 

Car cleaned inside and out? Check.

And on and on it goes. Don't even think about talking to me when I am in list checking off mode. You may get pegged with a travel sized shampoo bottle. I pack way too much, always. Every time I pack I think I won't bring all those shoes this time...but as I tick off each day's outfit from my list...I think "What if these shoes hurt my feet?" "what if I need that sweater?" This all usually ends with a small person sitting on my suitcase while I zip it up. And now that this time we are driving and I don't have to adhere to flying could get ugly.

But my family assures me this will be fun. (I am not a fan of this whole driving idea). We will bond. We will laugh. So I am game. (I think) And as much as I would love to keep writing about this I have a lot of stuff to do today.

Jenn's two cents:I always overpack and come home with so many unworn clothes...My hubby always says as long as we are staying in America, we can always buy whatever we may need.  But packing for the family is stressful - and the drive may be nerve-wracking but it will make memories that last forever - some good, some funny and some you may just want to forget!


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