Thursday, March 25, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Work Overload

Today I am going to vent just a little. I am letting my children "sleep-in" and go to school late. I don't think I have ever purposly let them sleep and blow off school, but today they need to. My two big ones, an eigth grader and a sixth grader have been working non-stop. The homework coming home has been excessive. My daughter has a huge project assigned this week, due Friday, the last day before Spring Break and she is overwhelmed. My son needs a haircut, and there is just no time to fit it in after school so I am letting him go late just so he can get his hair cut! Crazy!

So I am going to go back to Mae's project - it is for Social Studies. They were given the assignement Friday and it is due this Friday. One week to complete was has become about 12 hours of work. The weekends are out - she is rehearsing for a ballet perfromance coming up in May and is at the studio all day Saturday and Sunday. The weekdays, she comes home, does her regular homework from all her other teachers and then starts working on her project. The last three nights she has worked until 10:00 on this thing and she still isn't done. I even did one part for her because I felt so bad. I better get an A! My kids are in school for 7 hours - learning everything they need to learn. I get the need for homework - though I think the "20 minutes per subject" rule is over rated -I think 5 - 10 minutes per subject works better. Projects, on the other hand, are a waste of time. Projects teachers send home always require parental help. So it becomes my homework too - been there, done that, I don't want any more homework! Today I will spend some time typing part of Mae's assignment because she literally has no time to do it. She will come home from school today, have Girl Scouts, then head back to school for the talent show that is happening tonight - she is one of the MC's. These kids have been rehearsing everyday this week until 5:00 after school. When do they have time to study? The same teacher who gave our the beloved project, also giving a major unit test tomorrow, which she will not study for because she will be at school tonight until 10:00.

All I can say is GRRR I know this too shall pass, but right now I would like to tell that teacher he needs to slow it down!


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