Saturday, December 4, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Sick Day

I have been battling a sinus infection for weeks but instead of taking an hour to go to the doctor and get some antibiotics, I have been self-treating.  Hasn't worked.  Still sick.  Yesterday was bad so I finally made the doctors appointment. Going later today.  To me it is such a waste of time.  They will look in my ears and nose and throat and listen to my chest and tell me I have a sinus infection and bronchitis and give a prescription for antibiotic after I have sat in the waiting room for over an hour.  I know what is wrong with me - why can't I just stop by for the antibiotics and be on my merry way? Why must I endure a strep test (it will be negative) or a ear test (negative again)?  I know myself pretty well at this point. Plus I get this every year at this time - so it is nothing new. 

Today is busy as usual - nothing stops even when mom is sick so I am off and running now.  Have a great day.


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