Monday, June 13, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Happy Birthday Mike

When I told them I was pregnant they said "Are you crazy? ( I had a 9 yr old and a 7 year old..."big" kids!!!) "You already have one of each why do you want another one?"
I told them to MYOB and that I always knew I still had another baby in me.

They told me I was "old" (34 for heaven's sake!!) and I needed to take all kinds of tests to make sure my baby would be "normal". I told them no and I would take what God gave me.

They said to find out what it was so I would be ready. Ready? Who the hell is ever ready for a new baby? No, I would wait and decorate the nursery the way I wanted after the baby was born. He or she was sleeping in my room for awhile anyway.

They told me not to name him MICHAEL! Michaels were bad. I told them no they are not and named him that anyway, and guess what? I was right.

I don't know about their Michaels. Maybe theirs were bad. (something tells me though that even if their kid was named Bernard he would still have been bad) but mine is not.

My Mike. My Mike is....funny, scary smart, happy, kind, good natured, a good friend, and a great brother. He likes sports, WWE and drawing pictures of people that have huge heads. He is a gentleman and fresh-mouthed at times. He had been known to say "sucks" and "crap" but always remembers his please and thank yous. He gets sarcasm and can give it right back with the best of them. His feelings can be hurt at the drop of a dime but he can get over it just as fast. He is trying to overcome his fear of the dark. He was determined to learn to ice skate and rollerblade and did it in a matter of a couple weeks.

He is my biggest fan, and he thinks I am pretty. He still wants me to kiss him good night and tuck him in. He makes me happy all the time, and laugh every day. He is going to keep me young whether I like it or not. He is the HS Class of 2020, which he realizes now is WAY cool. He has birthdays that last for over a week and exhaust me. (I'm way old now!)

I never regretted getting pregnant and the ripe old age of 34. I never regretted him being Michael. (or Mike as he likes to be called now since his 2nd grade teacher started calling him that). I am proud to be Michael's Mom. And I can't believe he is 9 today. I remember when all he wanted to be was 5. For years he wanted to be 5. Well five has come and gone and now he is looking forward to being double digits next year. I am holding on to the single digit for as long as I can.


Rosanne said...

Beautiful. I love that little wise guy too, you are right about the sarcasm, he has been giving back to me since before he was 5 and I appreciate a good sparing partner. Happy Birthday to MP and thanks for being such a great friend.

Anonymous said...

The one and only...Our Mike! Happy Birthday!

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