Friday, April 20, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Earth Day

Word (Phrase) of the week: Earth Day...a little info from
"Earth Day: The History of A Movement

Each year, Earth Day -- April 22 -- marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.

At the time, Americans were slurping leaded gas through massive V8 sedans. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. “Environment” was a word that appeared more often in spelling bees than on the evening news. Although mainstream America remained oblivious to environmental concerns, the stage had been set for change by the publication of Rachel Carson's New York Times bestseller Silent Spring in 1962. The book represented a watershed moment for the modern environmental movement, selling more than 500,000 copies in 24 countries and, up until that moment, more than any other person, Ms. Carson raised public awareness and concern for living organisms, the environment and public health.

Earth Day 1970 capitalized on the emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns front and center."

Today I will go up to school to help the PTA celebrate Earth Day with the students. My friend Mother Earth, has created some cool nature crafty things for them to do at recess, outside on this beautiful Spring Day.

I am sure it will prompt me to move "go get dirt" to the top of my to do list for the rest of the day. I can rationalize that I must do something earth related to commemorate the day.

One of my latest Pinterest finds was for gardening. It swears nothing is better than wet newspaper under your mulch to keep weeds away. Better they said than the black paper I buy and have to cut and be tortured with. So I decided to try the method in one of my small beds.

I was feeling very green about myself as I laid old newspaper down, wet it and put my new mulch on top. I probably should have paid more attention to the nosy cats that were rubbing up against me and sitting on me as I did it. This morning I found this:

So apparently they were thanking me for adding a bathroom for them. DAMMIT!!!!! Mind you, they have never used newspaper for a bathroom in their lives. So much for being green.

I will stick to pulling weeds today and adding dirt to my little veggie garden area to get it ready for planting.


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