Thursday, November 29, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Creative Thinking.

Creative Thinking

I am not a build it and they will come kind of gal but a build it and maybe if I am having a good day I will show it to you kind.  It's hard to recognize one's own talents. To create something and put it out there for all to judge.  The public can be cruel.

I think of my kids coming home from pre-school with a picture they drew of me or of themselves.  Basically a sort-of-circle with some lines and dots.  We praise them and proudly display it.  As they age and their "talent" grows with them, the pictures improve - some more than others - depending on their artistic ability.  We display all this work - until one day - the child says ugh - please don't hang that up.  They might come home and recycle their art without ever showing us.  As they age, they realize that not everything they do is perfect and some where along the way, they become embarrassed or unhappy with things they have created.

I am not a keeper - but I do keep art work.  Not every line and squiggle but something from each year.  Its in a portfolio and someday I will let the kids look through it.  Every drawing or squiggle tells a story about their life.  As they age, the squiggles become shapes and the shapes become recognizable.

I think we all have the ability to create something. Some have it with words, some with pictures, some in the kitchen or on the computer.  Art is an individual expression and to many people it can be many different things.

I will see a piece of furniture or a craft and think I can do that.  Sometimes I do and sometimes I just buy it.  Appreciating your creativity can be a daunting task.  It's difficult to take something you have made and show it to others and then ask them to pay for it.  It's liberating when people like it and even want to spend their hard earned money on it. Creating something means finding time - and that means taking time from somewhere else. I have a list a mile long right now - but something is going to get bumped.  I am feeling the need to create.

Cara's two cents: Now to find that dam time...grrr


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