Monday, May 4, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Spring Cleaning

I really wanted to spend the weekend outside, cleaning up the yard and planting flowers but since Mother Nature had other ideas, I stayed indoors and did some major spring cleaning. My office, which is also the playroom, needed a major overhaul. Recent explosions of Barbie crap and webkinz dolls had taken over. It was a long process - but one that sent many barbies packin'. I made up a new game with Lu - yes or no. She had to take one look at each Barbie and say yes or no, the no's were immediately banished from the house, never to return. It worked better than I could have ever dreamed! She had so much fun culling the barbies, we moved down to the basement and went through polly land and pretty ponies. 7 garbage bags later, we had gone through all the toys! What we were left with surprised me - almost nothing. She only kept the toys she really likes to play with and the rest were bagged and removed. It was harder for me to say goodbye to some of the toys than her - I think because for me they are memories and for her it was just a thing. Mae joined in the fun and cranked her ipod while we finished the basement. We had it done in record time. I decided to flip my closet - I had been doing a little at a time, but I decided yesterday to do the whole thing - back breaking work - hauling boxes of clothes up and down the stairs, but it is done. My closet looks beautiful, my office and basement are awe inspiring and I am ready to tackle the rest of the house - looks like a few more days of rain so I should be done with the whole house by the end of the week and when the sun finally comes out, I will be able to find my favorite Capri pants hanging in the closet.


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