Thursday, August 27, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Chocolate Dreams

The summer my children are 7, Auntie N takes them to New Mexico to see a whole other side of the family. Sam went, Mae went, Lu was scheduled to go - but the matriarch in NM isn't doing to well and is having surgery so Auntie N decided to take Lu to Hershey this week. Lucky Lu. She woke up this morning at 6 am for a 9 am departure. Her dad was up getting ready for work when he said she appeared at the top of the stairs, fully dressed, suitcase in hand, ready to go.

I got a picture sent around 5 p.m. Lu standing proudly in front of the Hershey bar. She looked so thrilled to be there. My kids are lucky to have Auntie N. The year you turn 12 she takes you somewhere else - Sam went to Alaska last year, my nieces each went to Hawaii, Mae is scheduled to go to Germany next year for a princess castle tour and Lu wants to do Disney Paris. Auntie N is lucky to have them too. She gets travelling companions who let her be in charge and she gets to drop them off at the end of the trip. It works out for everybody.

Having one less child, makes a tremendous difference in the dynamics of the family. I talked about it when Sam was away. I see it now that Lu isn't here. First of all, she is the loudest, so my house is SO quiet. The bigger ones aren't fighting at all. Mike came home early tonight and we went to the beach and then for ices. It was so easy. No bickering, no noise just two parents with two big kids. It was such a pleasure. Of course I miss my Lu - she is my sunshine girl but I have to say I am enjoying the break from all the drama.

The teacher assignments showed up in the mail Tuesday. I have decided it is a good thing they come 2 weeks before school. It gets the kids excited to go back. If you know who you have at the end of the year or in the middle of summer then there is a wait. But when you only find out two weeks before, there is a buzz in the air - everyone calling and texting and the kids are excited - it makes going back an event. Of course I won't be able to find all the required colored folders at this late date - but that is ok - I am just glad they are going back and so are they.

Cara's two cents: And again I ask, where can I get one of those Auntie Ns?


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