Wednesday, August 26, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Cara:Crickets singing and nothing to do...

It's that time. Two weeks from today...summer is over. Even though the calendar says it's over Sept. 21st...really it's Sept. 9th for us. Those dam crickets remind me every year that the "party's over". You can hear them at night now and it's almost down right noisy some nights! And as much as they sing at night...during the day I am starting to hear "there's nothing to do" song!

Really? Camp, lacrosse, tennis lessons, sailing lessons, endless stream of friends in the house, trips to Florida and Fire Island...were nothing? Yes there is nothing to do these next two weeks. We are chilling out. Savoring the last evenings of night swims and marshing mallows in the backyard. Three Wednesdays from now there will be no time for that...there will be homework, practice and meetings. Maybe we can even sleep past 7 a.m. a morning or two?

Kids don't get that sometimes adults really enjoy nothing to do. My husband and I actually found a few minutes yesterday of nothing to do but sit in Adirondack chairs and drink wine.

I actually dislike crickets and not only because they remind me summer's over. Also because they feel the need to come into the house at this time of year. Hearing one inside the den while watching TV is icky. Too close for comfort for me, thanks. And when I try to capture it and and escort it from the building it pops up, I freak and it gets away. Next time someone tells me there's nothing to do I am going to tell them to get that dam cricket out of the den. That will either keep them busy or shut them up.


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