Saturday, August 22, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: iPhone update

Okay - I love my iPhone and want to kick myself for waiting so long to get one. I took my kids to the beach on Wednesday night to play on the swings. They were having a great time- I was a bit bored. Then I remembered - there's an App for that. I took out my iPhone, connected to amazon and downloaded the book I am currently reading on my kindle that I left home. I was able to finish my book - reading on my iPhone. Technology amazes me. I love it! Came home, picked-up my kindle and it knew where I had read to on my iPhone - again, amazing. I can e-mail pictures from my phone - I was never able to text or receive pics on my old phone so this is new to me.

I took pictures and videos at sailing and they are really cool - haven't figured out how to send the longer videos yet, but I am working on it. There are literally aps for everything - just downloaded one for the grocery store. You put in your list, and check off items as you put them in your cart. The app will learn in what order the isles are arranged and will start to rearrange your list to follow the lay-out of the store - how cool is that? I am sure there are a million more things to learn - can't wait!

Favorite Song of the Week: The Zac Brown Band - Toes - give it a listen - it's on the playlist. Got My toes in the water, ass in the sand, not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand... Life is good - Life is good today.


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