Tuesday, March 23, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Giving In

I was in Marshalls the other day and actually left because I couldn't listen to a Mom arguing with her daughter anymore.  It went on for more than 15 minutes while I was browsing the children's department and I finally gave up and walked out.  The mom was a very pregnant woman - the child was 7.  It was 6:30 at night and they were clothes shopping.  Apparently there was a pair of shorts the girl wanted. In fact, she was wearing them.  The mom let her try them on in the dressing room and then keep them on.  There was no price tag and the shorts were part of the set.  Marshalls wouldn't sell the shorts without the matching top.  The mom and daughter were searching for the top. The mom kept showing the daughter alternatives to the shorts and she kept screaming no.  The daughter kept showing the mom other things and she kept saying no.  At one point, the mom said to the daughter, you are only 7, you don't know what's best.  Exactly!  I wanted to yell - but I kept my mouth shut. She is only 7. You, as the mom, make the decisions, not your daughter.  I have a 7-year-old, I know how stubborn they can be. But at some point you need to be in charge.  The Mom must have said at least a dozen times, I am tired, I am hungry, lets finish so we can go.  Yet, she kept letting her child look for clothes and yell at her.  That is not Parenting, that is Giving In.  We are all guilty of giving in at some point. A lollipop to buy a few minutes of quiet at the diner, a bag full of goldfish to make it through target.  Sometimes giving in is ok and sometimes you have to be the parent and just say no.  I don't know what the end result of the argument was  - I couldn't listen to it anymore.  I left Marshalls with nothing more than a headache.


Jackie said...

I totally give in. My son is 3 years old, and I will let him have that piece of chocolate, extra few minutes watching cartoons, etc just so I can have a minute. I know I have to stop that or else it's going to get worse. But I just don't want to deal with the crying and screaming.

Thanks for following. Following you right back. Cute blog too!!

Have a great week!

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