Monday, May 10, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Monday, Monday...

Mondays are tough blogging days for me. Unless something blog-worthy happens over the weekend I am sometimes at a loss. The next two weeks will be crazy around here...the Diva has her Junior Prom on Saturday so this week will be full of shoe shopping, hair, makeup, nails, painting prom decorations, set up etc. Yes somehow I am unofficially chairing the parent committee. The teacher class advisors are nice but clueless therefore another mom and I have subtly taken over and begun bossing everyone around. Unfortunately for my Diva she is learning that out of 100% of the people only 20% do all the work, and  she is following right along her mom's 20% foot steps.  In addition to the prom, is Mike's communion the following Saturday here with 100 or so guests. Can you say crazy? In the midst of all this is high school AP tests, homework, dinners, cleaning, laundry, and life. Whew. 

ON a lighter note we did get two blog awards yesterday as I had mentioned. 


They are always nice. And so we pay it forward, as forwardmoms do. 

The Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award. (did that yesterday!)
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

Ok, so here are 7 things about me: (Cara)
 1. I can't stand people who try to make themselves feel good by trying to make you feel crappy.
2. I never thought I would be the mom on the side of the field jumping up and down for my kid's team.
3. No other place makes me feel as relaxed as the beach...summer can't get here soon enough.
4. Finding things to be grateful for everyday always resets my frame of mind
5. Sometimes my expectations of people are too great and it always surprises me. 
6. I would wear black everyday if people wouldn't talk about me (lol)
7. I like to sing really loud when I am alone in my house cleaning. (don't try and sneak up on me now and catch me!)

1. I sing my kids awake every morning and I can't carry a tune.
2. I hate driving but drive 200+ miles per week ferrying the kids around.
3. I make my dogs food.
4. I can be funny but tend to keep it to myself.
5. I  lived in South Africa for 6 years and had two of my kids there.
6. My hair is really very curly and I straighten it most days.
7. I don't like being the boss though I can be bossy (according to my kids).

So, here are the 15 bloggers we are passing these two awards on to:

      The Redhead Riter  
      Life with Kaishon   
     Sweet Jeanette 
      Unruly Helpmeet


Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Thank you SO much for thinking of me! You two are so very kind and it really means more than you'll ever know!


Teresa <><

♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥

Infarrantly Creative said...

Wow thanks for much for thinking of me. OXOXOX

Unknown said...

Thanks for the award! It's always nice to be recognized by your blog buddies. :o)

Lisa @ All That and a Box of Rocks

Delilah S. Dawson said...

Thanks so much for the support! Y'all are awesome!

delilah, the unruly helpmeet

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Wow you guys are totally awesome. You deserve these awards so much. I'm so honored that you chose to pass the award on to me. It means the world to me.

Tami @

MaryRC said...

You chicks are so awesome.. thank you for the love!!

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