Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Same old...

It doesn't matter what group you volunteer for, it's always the same. I volunteered for PTA since my kids started school. I don't run committees or go to many meetings but will show up to work at the plant sale or mother's day boutique or where ever else help is needed. I can only volunteer during daylight hours because I have a husband who is never home. I am a single mom Monday - Friday. Any group like the PTA or the Dance Mom's, you will always find the same cast of characters just different faces. There are the organizers who set everything up. Some stick around and continue to run the show, others leave it to whoever shows up. There are the worker bee's who will help whenever they can. There are those who are in it for name recognition only. They volunteer for things yet never show-up. No matter what the group, it is always the same core people that show up to everything and the same types who like to lead.

This weekend I was signed up for an hour of selling flowers outside of dance. I ended up there for three and a half hours because the other volunteers didn't bother showing up, the committee chairperson (who went away and didn't tell anyone)didn't give anyone the sign-up sheets, it was an unorganzied mess and somehow I let myself get sucked in. I felt bad for the few of us who did show up - and had a conversation with one of the Moms how it's always the same few. Her kids go to a pricey private school - and it's the same. A few parents who do it all. Why is that? Why are some of so compelled to step in and help and others just don't give a damn? Some days I really wish I could be one of those other parents - who don't sign-up or show-up and just have all that time to myself.

Over the last few weeks I have spent hours making head pieces and hair pieces and other bits and pieces for a show Mae's dance school is doing in a few weeks. When she saw them, she told me how proud she was of me. I saw her showing all the other girls and telling them that her mom made them with a real sense of pride in her voice - that makes it all worth it.

I guess what it boils down to is there are those who do and those who don't. I know my kids appreciate all the things I do and I guess that is all that matters.


Stephanie Faris said...

I can't believe how often I find myself uttering the phrase, "No good deed goes unpunished" lately. It's a shame...but you hear that karma will take care of you if you do good things. I'm not sure that's true either. What I do know is if YOU do the right thing and it makes YOU feel good, that's all the reward you really need. (Well, that and providing a good example for your children.)

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