Thursday, June 10, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Gimmee More

I got my first cell phone at 29.  My kids got theirs at 12. I never had a TV in my room, my kids don't either but we are going to allow Sam to put his video games in his room - not hooking up the cable.  I never had a portable video game or DVD player - we only got a VHS player when I was 10 and we were the first in the neighborhood - my grandpa brought if back from China.  My kids have been watching videos since they were born.  My husband and I bought our first laptop in 1995 - it was $5,000 for a basic model - now all my kids have them - they were $399. 

Technology is a wonderful thing.  I wouldn't trade it or try to stop it.  This week apple launched the a new version of the iphone.  They seem to do this every June. I have an iphone so does my son. I am very happy with my phone - no need to upgrade.  Of course my son is already begging for the "new and improved" version.  There is nothing wrong with the current version.  Right now you can get the iphone 3GS that I paid $199 bucks for 12 months ago for $99 ($97 at Walmart)  If you need a new phone - go get one - I do love my iphone. Why does Sam need a new phone I asked him?  He shrugged his shoulders and said cause its cool.  Have I failed my kids?  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  At Christmas time, Nintendo came out with a new Gameboy or DS or whatever it is called these days - Lu wanted the new version - it had a camera - I said No there is nothing wrong with the old version and she has a camera.  Every time something gets changed, the kids want the new version - are they spoiled? I hope not - I have tried not to give in.  Lu asked me the other day when we were getting a new car - my minivan is 6 years old - it has 72,000 miles on it and there is nothing wrong with it except the automatic door locks have stopped working.  Big Deal.  I told her when it hits 100,000 miles we will look into getting a new one.  She wasn't happy with that answer - but its so old she told me - and I said to her well you're 8 now, should we get rid of you and get a new and improved version? That seemed to keep her quiet - for now - or until the next new and improved thing comes out.

My husband has been asking me all week, what I want for my birthday.  Nothing I tell him  The kids have been asking me all week what I want for my birthday.  Nothing I tell them.  I have everything I want right now. A beautiful home, a loving (although sometimes annoying) family, plenty of things to with my time, a great set of girlfriends... I don't need anything more in my life to make it complete...okay, well maybe some furniture for the front porch... but that's about it!

Happy Birthday to you!!!! 

  ~  make me laugh until I cry
  ~  are the Ethel to my Lucy
  ~  sometimes know me better than I know myself
  ~  know what's important and what's not
  ~  need to embrace "stuff"
  ~  curse like a sailor lately & I think it's funny (where do you get that from?)
  ~  are older than me but you are OK with it
  ~  cry at the same things I do from funerals to thinking about dogs in a shelter
  ~  didn't think I was nuts when I said out loud 
"let's start a blog" 
and here we are 400+ posts later...
Happy Birthday my friend I hope this year is great for you!


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