Wednesday, August 11, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: The Grudge

I recently learned of elderly gentleman's passing. From what I know pretty much a lifetime or most of his lifetime Mayberry resident. It's sad when I think of his wife now alone or his daughter and grandchildren who I know. But really what's is the most sad are his last days.

I know through the Mayberry grapevine that he wasn't the happiest of chaps. He was the guy on the block who didn't want anyone parking in front of his house. He would call the town on you if you tried to cut off part of his tree that was hanging over on your side of the fence making a mess in your yard. (which you are allowed to do) Instead of being the nice little old man on the block that loved kids and gave them candy, he was the one you respectfully kept your distance from.  He spent his last days doing battle with his neighbors embroiled in a fierce "war". What a shame. 

I didn't know him (though I did know not to park in front of his house and I do believe he even took a picture of my car once when I did). I do hope he is in a better place now. I hope he is floating on a cloud in heaven somewhere at peace knowing all that nonsense he left behind was not really important after all. Too late I guess for those he left behind.

But it's a lesson learned in not sweating the small stuff. So what if people park in front of your house. Not important. No one wants their last days to be spent bitter and angry. I would think he didn't want his last days to be like that either. Maybe no one reminded him not to be that way. Unfortunately for him, he is too good of an example why you can't hold on to anger or resentment. You only hurt yourself with it in the end. You need to forgive. Not for them but for yourself. If you forgive and forget, you free yourself. I know not an easy task.

I also know the times I did hold on to those kinds of feelings it never made me feel good. It always left a hole in my heart. Maybe not one I think about all the time but it's carried with me nevertheless.

So maybe you are carrying something around with you like he did. Maybe you should let it go. Maybe that's just the thing you need.


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