Friday, August 6, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Still as the axis of a wheel

While we are on the subject of this mom reminds me of something I'm reading in the book "Gift from the Sea"...

"..women must be still as the axis of a wheel in the midst of her activities...not only for her own salvation but for the salvation of family life, of society, perhaps even our civilization."

Boy that's a lot to take on huh? But we do it. We take it on. We take it all on. We work inside or outside the home. We take care of our kids, our marriages, our homes. We are required to do it all whether or not there's another place we need to be 9-5 or home all afternoon life guarding 10 kids in the pool, when we really should be inside cleaning the bathrooms.  And if we don't do it all and do it well....then all hell breaks loose.  

No one stands up and claps for us if we made all the beds that day. No one thinks "Wow her kids' clothes are clean", or "Great job, the floor under the kitchen table is swept." No one thinks she is a great mom out working at a job and missing her kids' class trip.

Oh, but if the dad sweeps, makes dinner or gets to take a day off and go on the trip he is a rock star.

If we don't hold each other up, take each other's kids, pat each other on the back, really who will? Some days it's easy to be the axis of the wheel. We get it all right. Wake up before the birds, start the coffee, feed the pets, make the lunches, neaten the house, make the beds, get everyone (and maybe ourselves too) off for the day, We help with homework, get them to practice on time, make a dinner from scratch everyone likes, listen to everyone's stories of the day and get to bed a reasonable hour. Then get up again the next day and try to do it right again. Then we probably don't.

So we need each other to help keep the axis steady. It's not about who does it better. We are all trying most days to just keep the wheel spinning.


Anonymous said...

Well said. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Amen Sistah!!

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