Saturday, August 28, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Vacation?

va·ca·tion;  freedom or release from duty, business, or activity

My family went to Hershey Park this week.  I am not much of an amusement park kind of girl - no roller coasters for me but the kids had been bugging to go so off we went.  Everyone had a great time - rode all the roller coasters and rides - stayed up late and ate lots of  chocolate and twizzlers. I read two books as I sat on benches and waited for everyone to come off their ride. 

That is not my kind of vacation - my idea of vacation is a resort with a beautiful pool and a view of the beach and frozen cocktails.  Kids off doing their own thing in the pool or on the beach (or even better at grandma's house) and not always on top of me.  Moms don't get vacation.  We are still responsible for the planning, the packing, the feeding of the family and making sure everyone is having fun. We are still the mom, just with a change of scenery.

I think I am going to take a vacation day today in my backyard - no cooking or cleaning and maybe I will even break out the blender. 


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