Tuesday, August 31, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Why Bother?

Right now I am boiling over. Steam is coming out of my ears. I am pissed off.  Got the picture?  For 6 years I have run a Girl Scout Troop.  Six years.  We are ending this year because my daughter is done, I am done.  We have money  in the bank and as a last hurrah I have planned a fun afternoon for the girls at an amusement park. My own daughter doesn't even want to go - but I feel the money the troop earned should be spent on all the girls.   It was originally planned for Monday - but my co-leader was going to be on vacation so I changed it.  She just informed me that she can't come tomorrow either.  WTF? Are you kidding me.  I rearranged everything - yesterday would have been so much better for me - to accommodate someone else - and then get screwed.  I am so done. Another parent e-mailed me today - doesn't know if she can make it - will let me know tomorrow - uh no - its a group rate - can't let me know tomorrow.  Why are people so rude and irresponsible?  Again, the steam is coming out.

I have ranted before about don't volunteer if you can't follow through.  Cara and I have both complained about how it's always the same faces at all the meetings.  When you sign up to volunteer, its a commitment - sometimes a time consuming one. 

There are no excuses if you can't do something.  I have a young child - I get a babysitter.  My husband works late - again babysitter.  For years, I hired someone else to watch my kids so I could volunteer.  Crazy right?  I am done.  No more volunteering.  No more unnecessary babysitters.  No more.

Cara's  two three cents: Yikes! OK first if it was me...trip is off. (especially since Mae does not want to go) Go buy everyone a giftcard to Mayberry ice cream shop with money and mail them out. Two, I agree with the getting a sitter to go volunteer. Nuts. Unless it something you really want to be at I guess. I don't know if it's just that we are burnt now three kids later with it all. When I see someone in a "position" doing it half assed I think I could do that so much better but I have to bite my tongue. But it's hard to be quiet sometimes. I have decided for me, for now..unless it directly affects my kids then I am out. Especially this year with a kid graduating. I will take it year by year now instead of just jumping with both feet, sleeves rolled up. Three, have a glass of wine for breakfast.


Java said...


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Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath and remember, you are providing an excellent example of dedication and responsible behavior to your own kids...xo

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