Monday, March 21, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Grandparents Squared

It's HSM (High School Musical) week! So not only does that mean...crazy days...dinners brought up to the school for actors who are practicing practicing practicing..."involved" parents (who could that be?) who need to get schooled in stage makeup and hair...nerves starting to build as opening night approaches...but it also means company. Of course...every event means company around here. Usually sleepover company and always a revolving door of family and friends. This week we have all four grandparents sleeping here. When I tell people this some roll their eyes and look at me with pity. No pity party here.

Hubby and I are quite lucky in that during our almost 20 years of marriage (26 if you count dating) our parents have always gotten along. They really couldn't be more different on the outside but, they are pretty much the same at their core. They have all given us good (even funny sometimes) examples of what it is to be a great married couple and the importance of family. We are all looking forward to them coming. 

Even if that means that Junior has to give up his room for one set for the week, while the other sets stays in the guest room. Mikes' mad cause he wants to give up his bed, but I don't think anyone wants to sleep two in a twin bed. I offered to buy a Willy Wonka Bed...but I had no takers. What? Oh c'mon you know what a WW Bed is...see below...there's even a Grandpa Joe...(we got one of those!!)

 My mother-in-law at first thought it was a good idea...that's cause she thought I meant a Murphy bed, hee hee.

Anyway it will be a fun week, we will laugh, it will be nuts...with all the pressure of a kid's life event going on at the same time. I am sure after a week in the Crazy House they will be happy to go back to their quiet houses for awhile. 'Til it's time to do it all again for Graduation time. 

Now if I can only prevent them from cooking up a storm while I try to stick to my diet...can you say three steps forward two steps back?


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