Wednesday, August 24, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Can't sleep

Why can't I sleep? Even here at the beach I can't sleep. I figured after a day full of beach where I actually went in the water and rode the boogie board, and stuffed myself with dinner I would sleep like a rock. Not so much. 

Up at my usual 3:30. Tried to go back to sleep but then the mind starts racing and there's no chance. I lay there in the dark, wide awake. The snoring going on next to me starts to get on my last nerve so I get up again.

What the heck? as my favorite 9 year old likes to say. Is it old age? I thought "old" people can't sleep? 

I didn't go to bed early. Purposely. My bed was comfy, had my own pillows, ocean breeze blowing in the window. So what the heck??

I don't know if I should lay there and try to fall asleep. Or maybe I should get up and start blogging or Facebooking and then go back to sleep? I wish I would wake up everyday at like 5 am. Then I would feel like it wasn't the middle of the night and feel like I am just getting a head start on my day. Normally now I would try to go back to sleep. 

But I don't want to fall into a coma and then wake up at 10 am while there's beach to be had. I will wait until it's 5:00 am, make coffee and try and do something productive. Luckily the day is full with a whole lotta nothing. But if this cycle continues in a few weeks I am gonna be one cranky camper. 

OK Sun, I am ready. Let's get on it here...there's a beach chair and a nap calling my name.


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