Monday, August 8, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Cara: What's to do?

That's the $500,000 question over the course of the the next few weeks. To that question I really don't have much of an answer. Short guy does not appreciate my answer of "well I would like to stay home and get all my laundry done today". Why not? Sounds like a plan to me.

Although to be honest this morning he didn't ask that the moment his feet hit the floor. Maybe he is ok with doing nothing today and he doesn't even know it. It's not like there's NOTHING to do all week. I mean there's Dr. appt.'s and football practice and reading I am sure we can squeeze in a beach day, and there's lacrosse fun on Saturday and maybe even a school shopping day thrown in. So it's not nothing, really.

A month or two from now I am going to be longing for nothing to do. He will too and not even know it. I think if he complains I will tell him it's better than having homework to do.

The dam crickets have started singing my summer goodbye song and I am trying not to listen to them.

A little nothing to do is good for the soul. Remind me of that will ya come like October when I am up to my ass in alligators? Thanks. :)


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