Tuesday, August 9, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Random thoughts

My brain is buzzing with topics today...

First I just want to express my sympathies for the families of the soldiers shot down this weekend.  Those soldiers are coming home today.  It's not the homecoming their families dreamed of.  There is no winner in war.  We may claim victory - but we lose too many lives as does our enemy.  No one comes out unscathed.  May their families find comfort in knowing their soldiers are heroes.

The stock market.  Obamanomics.  Oil prices.  -600.  The debt ceiling.  S&P downgrades.  Our economy is a complicated system.  Why do gas prices jump the second oil futures jump but are much slower to come down? Hmmm...I am starting to sound like my parents who spend their days watching CNN and worrying about their investments.  I try not to get too caught up in all of it... but when the news is banging us over the head with it 24/7 it's hard not too.

Mayberry.  Years ago Mayberry was voted by a major magazine as the "safest town in America."  It is safe.  There are no murders here.  The armed robberies are in the town next to us.  You don't here about  crimes...until lately.  Although not violent, there seems to be a small crime spree happening in Mayberry.  From vandalism down the road to car break-ins to house break-ins and stolen bicycles.  There have been arrests, stepped up neighborhood watches, parents a little more vigilant about when their kids need to be home.  Having been immune so long to petty crimes, everyone is surprised at the sudden increase.  Granted, all those arrested have come from neighboring areas.  Did they just discover our small sleepy town and decide it looked like a good place to hit?  The word is out - Mayberry is having it's problems and the people are stepping up.  We can't let the bad guys win.  Call the cops if you see something.  Check on your neighbors.  Lock your windows and doors and just be aware.  You know if something is not right. 

Ok - less buzz on my brain now...thanks for listening. Now I am off to clean Lu's room - heaven help me! (and her)


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