Thursday, August 4, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: BTS

BTS = Back-to-school.  Yesterday I finally gave in and took the girls BTS shopping.  Not for clothes but for supplies.  I remember when my boy was going off to first grade and I went the week before school to get his supplies at Walmart.  I was so surprised when I couldn't find anything.  I remember the Walmart employee telling me that BTS starts the week of July 4th and is basically out of the store by the end of July. They do not reorder supplies so whatever comes into the store that first week is pretty much it.  Huh? July 4th? But they only get out of school the last week of June!

Lesson learned. Each year the week of July 4th, I take my children for their school supplies and buy whatever basics are on the list and then a few .25 cent crayons or pencils or whatever.  This year I just wasn't feelin' it.  I didn't go BTS shopping until yesterday.  My mistake.  We went to Target and they were wiped out.  Wiped Out.  No constuction paper or folders in yellow or green.  No compasses.  We managed to get composition notebooks for .40 cents. Some loose leaf for .75 cents and that is pretty much it.  Today I will go to staples to finish up - and pay top dollar.  I did pick up some extra composition notebooks at Target because you know if you don't do that now they will be 3.00 in February when they need a new one.

If you haven't gotten your kids supplies yet you better hurry - by next week that BTS section in the store will be filled with Halloween costumes! And yes, Halloween is only 13 weeks away - better start planning your costumes!

Cara's two cents: I actually saw Halloween stuff in the store the other day...I ran screaming from the building. lol


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