Monday, October 10, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Days off

Another day off of school. All these days off when school really has just started get on my nerves. Now I don't celebrate Jewish holidays so, there's nothing going on here or for most of my friends on those days off. I get it if those are your holidays. But they are not mine so I can complain.

It's just too soon. And I guess since we didnt have anything fun planned and didn't go away this year (next year going somewhere is a must) it has made me annoyed.

I suppose these days off coming on the heels of the end of summer when kids are bored, the pool is old news and they look for me to entertain them, my bag of tricks is running low and I don't want to entertain them again just yet.

I don't really have to entertain my older kids, one is away at school, but still. They think it's summer time and want friends sleeping over and late curfews etc. just when we were starting to get into our school groove.

Last days off we took younger kids to the movies. And when we got there and the show we wanted was sold out, we had to wait an hour (with 5 boys...9 and 5 years and pay more for the 3D version of the movie and snacks all equals about $3 million dollars for an afternoon out to see a movie about a dolphin. grrr to that. So we get over that and yes today we are off again.

Not that bad today since Dad is home too...(maybe that's one of the reasons I was cranky last time) and promised hyper boy a trip to the movies again to see some "guy" movie that "I really wouldn't like and I could just stay home" (thank you...really) and maybe we will go get a pumpkin before that. And he (hyper boy) is still sleeping at 9:15 am.

But I am over these days off. I think we have a run of a few weeks with no days off then it's Veteran's Day, the holidays...
I should be grateful for these days off ? I guess. I guess I wish I had a never ending supply of money to entertain us all on these days off...everything you want to do costs $$$$.

But I will enjoy these last few minutes before He gets up and asks "Ok what are we doing today?"


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