Tuesday, December 13, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: 'tis the season

What a great weekend.  Really. Great.  Fun. Festive. Exhausting. Parties (plural) and drinking(lots) and just a lovely weekend to get me in the mood for Christmas. Even scrooge had a good time even though he is still complaining how tired he is.

As Cara said yesterday, our town hosted a light the night event - it was really a sight to see.  The town looked beautiful.  Our block is very long and even we had about 80% participating. A group of us decided to have a "progressive dinner" on our street.  I have participated in a few of these before but for most of my neighbors, it was a first.  We started across the street with a glass of wine. Headed to my house for Champagne cocktails, Kir Royals and Fondue, next we headed down the block for appetizers then over to another home for gumbo and finally dessert at the last house.  We picked up friends and neighbors along the way.   I met a whole bunch of neighbors I never knew.  It was a great, festive evening. The kids came along and we started at 5:30 and were done by 9:30 as everyone had work and school on Monday.  45 minutes per house and then on to the next. We used to do these in South Africa when we would go away with other families - progressive dinner from cabin to cabin - I forgot how much fun they can be.

Many of my neighbors had never had a champagne cocktail or Kir Royal - both my "go to" drinks when I am celebrating.  Super easy - try it - makes a great party drink.

Champagne Cocktail
Brut Champagne (not an expensive one)
Sugar Cubes
Bitters (available at the liquor store)

Soak sugar cube in Bitters, drop in bottom of champagne flute - pour champagne over.  Delicious!

Kir Royale
Brut Champagne
Chambord Liquor

Pour a splash of Chambord in to champagne flute - add champagne.  It gives it a raspberry flavor - divine!


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