Wednesday, January 18, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Toto we're not in Kansas anymore

I know how Dorothy felt. One day it's going along...feeding pigs, playing around the house with your dog in a comfy black and white. Then wham! You are thrown into full technicolor and things look awfully different.

Of course I didn't land in Oz last night but I did have an exhausting PTA meeting. And a realization. Gone are the days of just talking about upcoming bake sales and field days. Here are the days of fighting "city hall", and endless sub-committees for budgets, education ,fundraising and busing issues...and on and on.

Not to say that all the other things like plant sales, fashion shows and assemblies still don't need to get done. Because they do but there's less and less people that want to get involved. So in a nutshell there's more "work" to get done and less people to do it.

And when you spend a good portion of your day (YOUR day because you don't get paid remember) doing PTA stuff only to get an annoying email about something you accidentally omitted from the newsletter you put together every month (when really since you're the President should not be your job anymore...I digress...) from someone you wouldn't know if you fell over them (read= "doesn't do a f&%$ing thing as far as lending a hand when help is needed") it's quite frustrating.

I have been moaning for years about the woes of PTA. But lately it's really been getting to me. I don't know if it's cause I have been doing it for so long. Or maybe it really is a thankless job and I am only human so it's starting to get to me. Or maybe I am ready to move onto something else. I don't know.

I do know I left my meeting last night, exhausted. And not because it was 10:30 pm, and not because I was in the company of people I didn't like. All the other presidents were there and they are a good bunch. But there's so much turmoil in the Public School System here in NY. Our Governor is a horse's ass and if he was really in front of me this morning rather that his ugly face looking at me from the front page of my morning paper I would have slugged him.

Maybe it's not exhaustion but disheartenment. I am not sure who really cares about the kids anymore. It's all political on every level, whether it be that Boob in the White House, the Horse's Ass who governs my state or the Neanderthals that coach youth sports.

For the first time, as I sat there and listened about what could be a grim future for the school system, I thought about private school. I have one out "safely" at college. One with a few more steps to "safety". But I have a fourth grader. A smart fourth grader. What's his future going to be? Is the fact that I am informed and involved not mean anything anymore? It used to mean a lot.

I am not a fan of private school. I want my kids to have town pride, have roots, have friendships from back at "home" that last a lifetime. I want to be proud of my school district that we pay thousands of dollars in taxes to run.

I am in quandry. I am not one that takes defeat lying down, but I am also exhausted disheartened. Part of me doesn't want to do it anymore...let someone else do it. But then that voice inside my head says "who are you kidding?". I don't like being in a quandry. I like to know what I need to do and where I need to be.

I like black and white. Technicolor ain't what it's cracked up to be.


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