Friday, February 17, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: this and that

Happy Friday! I am so happy it's almost vacation - sleeping driving...woo hoo. Not going anywhere this break but just glad to not have to go anywhere too.

Here is my vent for the day - aimed at the dad in the Mercedes who decided to drive around the six cars waiting to exit the school drop-off instead of waiting his turn... We couldn't go anywhere as there was a row of buses parked and a garbage truck coming down the road trying to navigate the buses and pick up the garbage. Mercedes dad ends up blocking the garbage truck & making an ass out of himself as he tries to go around all of us waiting patiently for the garbage men to finish doing their job. Don't be so rude!

Ok done venting. Heading outdoors to enjoy this glorious day and to prepare for the onslaught of teenagers that descend on my house every careful what you wish least I know where everyone is and what they are up to!

Have a great weekend!


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