Wednesday, March 14, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Shopping around

Spent the whole day shopping yesterday. Fun right? Not so much. When you are not at your fighting weight, Aunt Flo scheduled to arrive the next day, and your are still looking that pasty winter color....combined with fluorescent lighting and three way mirrors makes it for a somewhat unpleasant shopping venture.

I hate shopping at this time of's not really winter, it's not really spring. I have two functions that I have coming up that are not really very dressy. So no, I don't want that really blingy cocktail dress, even though it is to die for but not appropriate. I don't want the half naked top (not that I would buy that) its too cold. The dress with the little bow is cute but really? I'm 44. I don't do bows.
And its too short once I put on high heels.

UGH!!! Apparently if it's not my ass (literally) it's my elbow. Once aunt Flo packs her bags I will venture out again next week. I did find something that I can wear if I must...but it's not what I really want. I have two dresses in bags that are going back...maybe I will retry them on next week.

All I know is when it comes to this stuff men have it made. Suit, shirt maybe buy a new tie...any color cause it won't make your arms look like bat wings. Grrr.

Some days it aint easy be a girl, or me for that matter!!


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