Thursday, July 12, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Simply

Yesterday I was scurrying to the butcher to pick up something to make for dinner. I was pretty sure Hubby was gonna make it home for dinnner, one kid requested chicken, one requested steak the other would happily have Taco Bell. As I zipped down a side street to avoid traffic (it was 5:00 already!) I passed a new mom sitting on her stoop. Not her grand wrap around porch. Not sitting on expensive outdoor furniture. Sitting on her stoop in front of her cute little house...with a teeny newborn baby on her lap. She looked a little frazzled. Kind of reminded me of how I looked at that witching hour of 5:00 that I can still remember when my kids were little. The day is done...almost. Too early for dinner for Daddy to be home to hand a kid off to.

We looked at eachother for a second while I stopped at the stop sign in front of her house. I wondered if she wished she was me for a second. Alone in the car going somewhere...anywhere by herself. I wondered if she got to take a shower today. (remember those days?) I wondered if that tiny baby gave her a run for her money today and she just needed to go sit outside for a little while waiting for her husband to come home. (I know it is slightly alarming all that goes on in my head in the time it take to stop for a stop sign....I know.)

To be honest I kinda wished for a minute I was her. When the days revolved around three hour feedings, and just being home with no place to go. Maybe the house is a little messy because baby comes first, instead of not being home for a good enough chunk of time to get anything done. No playdates, camp or sports practices to go to. When it was easy to take care of a baby who had no outside influences, or mean people cross their path. When you made dinner and everyone was at the table. Every night. When the routine was fill the baby pool early in the morning so it was warmed up when they were ready to go in, splash in there for awhile, maybe swing on a swing or play in the sandbox. Put them in for a nap and now and again put your feet up and steal a golden hour or two. Have dinner and a bath and go to bed. Everyone. Before 9:00, not having people rolling in when it's tomorrow clunking up the stairs turning on lights and making noise. A little house to clean, a little yard to take care of with just a minivan in the driveway. Not minivan, hot rods and girlie cars. There was no worry about what teacher they're getting next year. Or if they will be ok going off to college for the first time. Or making road test appointments, or who they're hanging out with blah, blah blah. .

I wished it for a minute. I don't want a baby or anything INSANE like that :) I enjoy the company of my almost/thinks he is an" adult children. I like to come and go without nap, diaper bags and port a cribs in my way, thank you.

For a second I longed for the simple day. I felt like turning around and going to sit on her stoop with her and tell her she was gonna miss this someday. But she wouldn't have believed me.


Rosanne said...

No she wouldn't have believed you, I didn't but there are days I wish I would have.

Anonymous said...

You will have to remind me to read this in a couple months Cara! When I am sitting on my stoop waiting for Mike to just pull in that driveway! -Mal

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