Friday, February 1, 2013

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Hunting & Gathering

I seem to be on the hunt lately.  Not that kind of hunt - I have been married for (almost) gasp 21 years. A hunt for "stuff."  It started in October when my son wanted the iphone 5. It was his money and not one to disappoint, I said I would help him find one.  It wasn't as hard as I imagined - after calling 5 target stores and leaving my name, I got a call 2 days later that they were in.  Mission accomplished.  Then came Christmas and the hunt started all over again.  The elusive dolls that Lu wants - found one of the two requested.  The ipad mini that ballerina wanted - didn't happen.

These days I am all about keeping it simple.  Spending as little as possible.  Getting what I need (and a few wants). Somehow this philosophy hasn't trickled down yet to the kiddies. 

Tomorrow is officially Ground Hog's Day.  Most days to me seem like Ground Hogs Day.  Clean the kitchen, start the laundry, plan dinner, take care of all the daily activities and then out to hunt & gather that days wants & needs. I used to resent this just a little.  Then I decided that "happy" is what you make of it.  That I need to be happy that I have a house to clean, laundry to wash and people to take care of.  It doesn't make it any more glamorous but it offers a sense of well being that this is where I am meant to be - that my day will come and I will miss all those days of searching for that elusive doll or driving to ballet.  For now I am off to pick up that ipad mini I just found out is in stock 20 miles away...


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