Thursday, May 14, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: May Day

May is such a funny month. The weather is changing - flowers are blooming- the sun is shining - mostly and we are all running around like lunatics. There are baseball games, soccer games, lacrosse games, tennis matches, dance, field days, school plays, NYSMA, school concerts, field trips and birthdays. May to me is worse than Christmas time. It is just so busy. There are flowers that need to planted and grass that needs to be mowed. Windows need to be washed and decks painted - so much to do and so little time. And all I want to do? Get in the car, open the sun roof, blast the radio and head to the beach. May to me means summer is coming and that means beach night, friends, pool parties, drinks on the porch, family time, BBQ's, relaxation. I am looking forward to no school - being able to sleep in - let the kids stay up late - no pressure to complete homework or be anywhere all the time. To just be lazy and lay low. To decide whether to head to the beach or a friends pool are our biggest decisions of the day. I can't wait for school to end.

Check with me in August - I may be wishing for Santa Claus, snowflakes and year-round school! Right now though, I am looking forward to days of nothing but sunshine.

Cara's two cents - Please don't say the "s" word. If I see any before the Big Guy with the red suit comes to town I will pitch a fit.


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