Thursday, May 21, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Stress Test

Stress. We all have it - some more than others. Sometimes the smallest of tasks can make us feel it - sometimes it is something of monumental importance. I am not a stressed out kind of girl - but lately there has been a lot going on and my stress levels have been on the rise. But stress has a funny effect on me - it has a physical effect on me. Stress gives me an upset stomach, it gives me a headache, it makes me short with my children (okay so that's an understatement, it makes me want to scream at my children), it makes me nervous and edgy.

It's funny the things that can cause me stress. An exciting TV show (Grey's Anatomy, American Idol), a story my children tell me, trying to find a parking spot at Festival of the Arts, a baseball game... all everyday occurances and yet they trigger some kind of physical reaction. Tonight for instance, I had to get Mae to dance at 5:00, Lu to baseball at 6:00, pick Mae up at 6:30 and return to baseball to freeze my ass off and listen to Mae & Sam fight while I wished for the red light to go on. I could feel my heart pounding. I started thinking about those Calgon commericals - and saying to myself Calgon take me away... then I got a text from a friend and I felt remarkably calmer. Someone just checking in - but it somehow made everything lighter. It made me stop and think or maybe it made me stop thinking.

Got home from said baseball game - had some wine, destressed a bit - feeling pretty good, watching American Idol - Rock on Kiss! - and my sister calls - my 6-year-old nephew decided to walk home from karate tonight - he is a city kid - 4 blocks of traffic lights to the park, looking for the babysitter and his sister and then started to walk back when he was found by the grandmother of a friend - no worries on his part - my stomach ache is back... I am happy he is fine - flipped out that no one stopped him from leaving the karate place - apparently he even talked to friends at the park and no one asked him where his grown-up was - and now I have added something new to my list of worries. Xanax anyone?

Cara's two cents: What a difference a day makes.....


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