Monday, January 4, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Ready, set, go...

And we are off. A new year. The first "regular" day of the new year is really the beginning for me. I know it's the 4th already but the last few days were still "the holidays" around here. Still eating non-stop and seriously if I eat another Christmas cookies I will die. Still sleeping later than usual and still have Santas looking at me in every room.

Today everything starts to get re-wrapped and put away. Places that were covered with angels, Christmas trees and glitter will get wiped and polished. The everyday stuff that has been patiently waiting in the Christmas tubs downstairs will be brought back out and put in their rightful place.

By the time I am done the house will feel lighter and seem to breathe a sigh of relief. As will I. As much as I love, love, love Christmas and all that comes with it, I kinda like regular too. Like I told Mike who was a little bummed that Christmas is over, without regular stuff the great stuff wouldn't be so great.

Now I am not looking forward to the rest of the winter. I like winter from Thanksgiving to about now. We had a white Christmas which was awesome. It snowed just enough not to make trouble on New Years. It had snowed all day yesterday which was lovely, since we had no where pressing to be. But I am good. Winter can take a hike now. I know though that's not going to happen, as hard as I dice.

So this month for me it's about organizing. I will tackle the house room by room. I can't sit at the beach but I can get my linen closet not to look like there has been a pillow fight going on in there for the past two months. I got new everyday dishes for Christmas so I can purge my kitchen cabinets and make room for them and get rid of "stuff" lurking in the back. If I keep very busy maybe I won't notice the grayness outside.

So I am planning on grabbing January by the...well you know what, and getting things done. That's my theme for the month. Someone may get hurt. Wish me luck.

Jenn's two cents: You go girl! I am looking forward to January - to staying inside and not having to go anywhere - I have a linen closet that needs some help too!

Cara: Maybe our linen closets have been pillow fighting each other?? lol


Pollyanna said...

Hi there! Dropping in from SITS.

I know what you mean about putting away the Christmas stuff. It's nice for awhile, but the "normal-ness" of the house without all the decorations is so refreshing. I've been off for almost two weeks and wasn't able to clean out my mudroom, but perhaps I'll get inspired by the new year. The Container Store is going to love me this month :)

Beth P. said...

I love this post! I feel the same way - as much as I love all the Christmas stuff, its refreshing to say bye-bye to it all. We did that yesterday and I feel like my house is a blank slate right now. The corner where the tree was looks bare - I need to find some decoration for it.

Good luck with your organizing, we'll be doing a bit of that as well, just not every room!

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