Friday, May 7, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Homework Schmomework

I need to jump on the homework bandwagon too. I am done with homework. Always happens to me around this time each school year. My big ones take care of their own homework. It's one good thing about High School, they are kinda on their own, with occasional proofread or question. 2nd grade homework is another thing. 

It's not that Mike has a hard time with homework. It comes easy for him, thank goodness. I do feel bad for the parents that have to struggle over homework, that just makes it worse. But come this point in the year homework is just a pain.

The shiny new school supplies I bought back in August/September are now tattered to say the least. Mike gets spelling homework everyday. He can spell or at the very least has a photographic memory because he has gotten a 100 on every single test. The teacher is giving him multiplication homework because he "gets" all the other math. So then can we just put the homework to bed already? OK reading every night is fine. But now every night is either a sports practice/game or too nice to stay in and do homework right after school (which has been the "rule" since September Mon-Thurs.). I don't want to stay in either.  I want him outside running around with his friends, swimming, playing wiffle ball or riding his bike. 

I am actually done with school in general at this time of year too. Done with meetings, bake sales, appreciating the staff. Done. Done with lunch money, snack in brown paper bags, and book reports. Can't let on to the 2nd grader that I think homework is a pain though. I lecture him about how it's "his" job (like Lulu's.)..blah blah blah....

No more pencils, no more books. Well, not true. I would take a the beach, with a cup of coffee and my feet in the sand. Aaaaahhhh......

Jenn's two cents: So over homework and state tests and projects and now comes regents and finals AAhh - just hurry up and be done so we can get on with summer!


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