Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Laughter is the best medicine...

The past few weeks as I may have mentioned (ahem..) have been crazy. I have been exhausted the past few days since all the hoopla has died down. I still am left with a list as long as my arm of "to-do's" that I have pushed aside because I was so busy with other pressing things. But something I noticed today is that I think I laugh every day. My personality is such that I probably go through a range of emotions/moods during the course of the day. (And when Aunt Flo is visiting...well, the word bipolar comes to mind.) But I still find something to laugh at or someone to laugh with every day. Yesterday I was cracking up at the ball field with my mom friends and my hubby. Today laughing with my parents about my insane pets. 

There's even a time for laughing when your family is mourning a loss. Really, family is fodder for blogging, but having them to laugh at/with is priceless.

I like to laugh, don't you? I can laugh now to myself when I think of times I laughed so hard I almost hurt myself. Like the time my friend was on the PTA Board sitting in front of the room, trying to be all PTA-like and Jenn and I were texting her from the audience and making her laugh. We laughed so hard like two idiots, hiding behind our papers so the principal wouldn't see us. (I know Jenn is laughing now reading this...aren't you Jenn???) Stupid stuff I know. But think back to a time you laughed so hard you cried, and I bet you can't help to laugh a little to yourself. 

So laugh a little today. It will do you a world of good.  

"What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul" ~ Yiddish Proverb

 Watch and try not to laugh...


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