Wednesday, May 5, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara:Flower Power

If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.  
~Terri Guillemets

Went to the nursery yesterday to get some flowers. And so it starts. I will probably buy some kind of living thing everyday now until the middle of June. I have a favorite nursery I go to every year. I buy flowers and plants everywhere, school plant sales, supermarket, Home Depot...wherever. But even though the nursery's prices aren't great I must go. I am embarrassed to say that I get a little giddy when I pull into the parking lot. 

Rows and rows of impatiens, begonias, petunia, pansies. I want to buy 100 flats of flowers and plant them all. I love to walk in the green houses, stepping in puddles after flowers were watered.  I love to read all the picks in the plants that tell me where and when I can plant them. The people that work there are cut from the same cloth as me. They are happy to be there. They are sunburned and a little dirty. They love to answer my questions. They love when I "know" my flowers  and don't need any help. They tell me "happy planting" when I leave.

I get my stuff home and I can't wait to get at them and get them planted. Some days like yesterday I really didn't have a lot of time to get them all planted so some got in and some are sitting in their plastic pots waiting for me today. My plan was to get up early and get outside while it's still and quiet, before the day begins and the running starts. 

Some people look at all this as a chore. "Some people" are a little envious of the mountainous piles of mulch showing up in front neighbors houses waiting to be spread in flower beds. (her mulch better get here by Fridayish...I am just saying). 

A day spent among flowers is a day well spent as far as I'm concerned.  It's good for your soul.

Jenn's two cents:  I started my planting a little early this year  - and I tried some "new" things and am glad I did.  Pulling up in front of my house and seeing all the beautiful flowers makes me happy.  I don't even mind the weeding!  Enjoy your day among the flowers.  I am thinking about stripping some chairs today.


Anonymous said...

Now I know where AG's planting gene!

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