Friday, June 4, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Friday Farrago

I feel like the past two weeks have been a farrago never mind just Friday!

I cleaned my bedroom yesterday within an inch of it's life. When I had a cleaning lady it took her four hours to clean the whole house, and sure it wasn't cleaned the way I do it but still. I spent about 3 hours in my room alone and about two hours cleaning my bathroom and the floors on the second floor. I guess because when I start purging I start perusing. Perusing old books, a box filled with my "stuff", pictures etc. I guess part of purging is perusing what you have and what has to go. I did manage to throw out some stuff. Most I didn't. I like my stuff. (Jenn just winced) I like to read my old journals. It's fascinating to me because I feel like I am reading someone else's writing. I think "who is this chick?" (and man does she need H-E-L-P! lol)

Anyway I came across something I cut from a magazine..."25 Questions that could change your life." I am a sucker for stuff like that. I like things that make me think. I devour anything "self-help" oriented. All the self help things I have read you would think I would be "fixed"  already!!!  This page is from a 1999 magazine. (again cue Jenn's I looked over my answers from 1999. Again no clue who that person was that answered what she did. I know she had a 6 yr old and a 3 yr old and she was up to her eyes in Barney, potty accidents and a new dog. So I guess that could explain her get this woman some medication answers. So now and again I will ask myself (and you) these questions. Feel free to chime in your answers. 

Question 1/25: If I had an extra hour of time a day how would I spend it? 

I would sit. I would be still. I would be quiet. I would just be. I don't "just sit" often enough. (or ever for that matter) I would sit and think. Or sit and even catch a nap. Whatever. I wish I could just make an hour to do that since I know no one will give me that extra hour. I find it hard to just sit. I need to work on that. 

Ok enough sitting I have to get to Field Day at Mike's school!!! ( I said I need to work on the sitting!!)


Karen said...

Hi, stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest. Whenever I clean and organize I always end up spending time looking through old stuff. You got me curious now what your answers to the questions were.

Anonymous said...

I can really relate to this post! Your answer in 1999 would be my answer right now! With 3 kids ages 10 and under, I sometimes wonder if life will ever get easier?! Time to sit and be quiet...ahhhh....

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