Wednesday, July 21, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: One Up Game

Do you know people that play the One Up Game? I do. I don't like to play. Actually I won't play.

The One Up Game goes kinda like this...I have "this" get "that" which is a little better than my "this". Then I go and get and even better "this" and we go on and on and on...seriously? I have no time for it. 

I don't get things to make other people happy. I don't do things with or for my kids to make other people unhappy or uncomfortable.  It gets even more annoying when it trickles down to the "players" children. Therefore raising demon spawn. Seriously. 

As I told my older kids today when we were chatting in the car no one wins at the One Up Game. Ever. So don't ever start playing with anyone. Even if they try to engage you, resist. Even if you get "this" and they run out and get "that". Resist to get a better "this". Be happy with the "this" you got in the first place for all the right reasons...because you wanted it, earned it or deserve it. 

I must say it's hard to avoid and you may get caught up in it without expecting to. I have. But I usually take a reality check and knock it off. 

I try to play nice in the sandbox. I don't throw sand unless you throw it at me one too many times...then I may bury you. I don't take your toys. I will even share mine with you, even the big purple shovel that I really like. And if you go out and get an even bigger better purple shovel and wave it in my face I will throw you out of the sandbox. I don't want to play with you.

Jenn's two cents:  Can I come play in your sandbox? I promise not to touch your purple shovel...

Cara's three cents: YOU are always welcome in my sandbox. And I will even let you use my purple shovel!!


Rosanne said...

The "one up game" also know as "keeping up with the Joneses" has gotten quite a few people in deep financial trouble, just look around at all the people in over their heads. My new game is the "do without" game. You would be surprised at how much you can do without. The first rule..judge yourself by your actions not what you have and do the same with others. My 2 cents.

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