Thursday, July 29, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: Pool Hopping

When I was a kid, we used to pool hop.  We would start out at my girlfriends pool and then run through the backyards of all the neighbors and jump in their pool picking up friends along the way.  We always waited until dark - added to the drama - and then we were off.  Back in "those days" there were no fences between yards or around pools.  The parents knew we were coming even though we didn't realize it then. It was innocent fun.  I don't know if kids pool hop anymore.  I have to think it would be tough - everyone is fenced in now.

Yesterday my kids and I did a version of pool hopping.  We started off at the beach  - swam a few hours then headed to a neighbors pool for a mid-afternoon swim and finally to a park pool to finish the day out.  Lu was so excited to swim in three different places yesterday - she is a fish and would spend days on end in the water if she could.  Summer is about days like yesterday - hanging out and pool hopping.


Melissa B. said...

In my younger days, I was a pool-hopper, too. Matter of fact, still am, to some degree...

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