Thursday, July 15, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Jenn: What day is it?

I woke up yesterday thinking it was Saturday.  Really.  Summer is starting to blend together and some days I need to look at my phone to see what day it is.  Camp ends today for Lu and Friday is a day off for all.  Sam is off to camp on Sunday for a week and Mae will still have dance - that never ends...or so it seems.

We haven't made it to the beach yet this summer - all week the plan was to go in the afternoon after camp/dance but the weather decided that we needed to change our plans.  Hoping it will be nice Friday and we can head to the ocean.  I am not much of  a beach person -  too much schlepping and setting up and sand and wind and sun and well - you get my drift.  I don't like swimming in the ocean either.  I used to Bk (before kids) but something changed after kids that makes me a lot more cautious.  I don't ride roller coasters anymore either. 

I happened to be in Walmart (my least favorite store on the planet) yesterday buying last minute camp supplies for Sam - and yes, I broke down and bought some school supplies - who can resist composition notebooks for .25 cents?  Sam loves Walmart - he can spend (and did) hours in there walking around.  I find it irritating because New York Walmarts are not like the rest of the countries Walmarts - they are dingy and dirty and understocked and understaffed.  I wish Walmart would here would be like the one near Disney - complete with princess t-shirts. 


Karissa@Withourbest said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower with FF! I like your blog and looking forward to reading more!

I would love it if you looked around and followed me back!


Rebecca said...

Happy Friday! I'm a new follower from the "Social Parade."

Unknown said...

I don't like when a walmart is old and dirty too.
I do that too. Sometime, i think it is another day...Too busy...maybe :)
Happy Friday!
Come follow me back and say hi :)

Anonymous said...

I found you from Social Parade Follow on Friday,Now I'm follow you,

Please follow back at;

Have a nice day.


Tanyia said...

Hi there, I am your newest follower from Friday's Social Parade! Would love to have you stop by my blog as well!

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