Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: A pumpkin here and there...

Come on in...

I have actually put out less things in front of the house this year...but now have officially decided that I hate my white door and you can count on that being painted maybe even by next weekend!!!
Just a bunch of pumpkins from the patch hanging by the front door and my copper jack o' lantern sitting by the step... I light him up with a few tea lights when we have nighttime October guests

I am even happier now that I painted the hallway brown. I hope it looks as good with my Christmas decorations...
My foyer table I must admit did look better black with Halloween decorations but I still like it better green every other month of the year. I love my Haunted House. (rule #5). I think I bought it at HomeGoods or the like. But it's different and I love it every year that I take it out of it's box. I may have spent a little more on that then the usual Halloween decoration, but I mix it with 3/$1 pumpkin votives that I got at the dollar store. So holiday decorations don't have to cost a fortune. You just have to love them. I am not in love with the screaming skull down on the bottom shelf. He stays off most of the month but stays on ALL day on Halloween. He's annoying. Mike loves him. So there he sits. It's not all about me. (really.) But I do love my white pumpkin. :)

I spend A LOT of time in my kitchen. So I have a few of my favorite things in here.

I love my pumpkin pitcher...but now that I think of it I don't think I ever used it. I will this year. Glasses from The Christmas Tree Shop (1.99 each) (rule #6)....they are not Waterford but they are fun and I like drinking out of them. I bought this cheese pumpkin tureen ( more about cheese pumpkins on Friday) last year.

Pumpkins have taken over my den. Don't wait until everything in your house is how you want it to be to put up your decorations. I detest the white brick wall and fireplace. But until I redo it I will work with/around it.
         Random pumpkins on the hearth and of course, pumpkin pillows on the chair


Paper pumpkins! LOVE THEM! My good buddy gave this idea to me many moons ago when I was a brownie leader. All you need is a paper lunch bag, orange and green spray paint and raffia. Spray 3/4 of the bag orange, 1/4 green, when dry flip do the same thing on the back and sides. When all dry stuff with newspaper and tie with raffia. Cute! I used to have a basket full of them. So that's a little tour of what I do...what are some things you do to decorate? What's something you put out every year that you love???

  More about cheese pumpkins on new favorite pumpkin...


Rosanne said...

cheese pumpkins are new to you? Wow!! I am so excited I beat you to something. I have been buying cheese pumpkins for years to make pumpkin pie. It comes out with a cheesecake like texture, hence the name.

Cara said...

See now and I was just gonna paint them....hmmm

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