Monday, September 5, 2011

PostHeaderIcon "Labor" Day

Happy last unofficial day of Summer...tomorrow's a school night around here...just sayin'. (she says with a smirk...) I am not sick of my kids per se...just it's that time that summer has gotten old. Camps, mini-vacations, trips to the beach and even the pool have gotten old. I predict maybe one more pool day/weekend and then it will sit like a pond in my yard until I let hubby close it. (hate the way the yard looks when pool is closed)

But really I say "Labor" day because it's the weekend I had my second baby. My middle "baby" is Sweet 16 today. I wanted to give him a little Sour Sixteen party but he wanted no part of that. (cut from a VERY different cloth as his sister!)

So we will just have some family and a few pals over today to BBQ and of course have "cake".  I am attempting apple strudel today 'cause its one of his favorites. (I will post the recipe one day if it's a success.)

So happy Sweet 16 to my sweet man boy. He is everything anyone could want in a teenage boy. He really is sweet, handsome, funny, smart and kind. He was born on the Tuesday after Labor Day and I remember thinking "wow someday this kid's birthday will be on the first day of school"
And it has once or twice. It will again next year, his last year when he is a Senior. (he has checked of course) But for this year he gets to have it on the last night of summer...Happy Birthday Junior!


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