Thursday, September 6, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Cara: A little empty...

My cousin posted this on Facebook the other day. She has little kids who are just starting to make their way at school. I on the other hand have just had my 14th "first day of school" morning (good grief!!) with my kids not counting two years of nursery and Pre-K with Diva. Even though she is just starting her firsts of MANY first days of school with her kids it still is kinda the same for me when I send off mine.

Now, I don't worry about the things I used to.
My Diva is in her second year of college and it was less eventful dropping her off this year...she was ready for us to go sooner than later this year. I wasn't worried about her finding her way, she had made her friends, knows her campus, it's her second home.

Junior even though it's his Senior year, and I am all about his "lasts"...last picture by the front door leaving for school, last school picture, last homecoming...I could go on and on much to his dismay. (it's more fun having a girl HS Senior than a boy just sayin') I am not worried about him. He has his friends, his sports, first day of school was same old same old for him. At the moment anyway, unphased by his "lasts".

Mike, well is Mike. He is fine and dandy...beyond excited for the first day of school. Happy to have the same teacher as last year who we love, love, love...buddies in his class. He rules the school this year as a big bad 5th grader.

So maybe I don't worry about who if anyone they are sitting with at lunch. And maybe I know they will do well this year they always do.

But these first few days back to school, the house is quiet. No one is in the pool. No one is making lunch at 3:00 p.m. or still sleeping at 11:00 a.m. But I do wonder now and again what they are doing. Who they are sitting next to. Are they happy today? Did anyone say something not nice to them? Do their teachers see in the them the good things I see?

Could they possibly have some of that empty feelingI have these first few days, in their stomach, if they thought of me? Probably not. I really wouldn't want them too. I know they are happy to see me when they get home. And I am happy to see them. And so we all get used to normal again. Every year it seems it's a new normal. Last year it was one chick leaving the nest. Next year it will be two.
 And we will have to find a new normal again.


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