Wednesday, April 3, 2013

PostHeaderIcon Cara: No Complaints

A few friends on Facebook posted the above "challenge". "Hmm", I thought. Easy. I have the whole being grateful thing down (even though admittedly some days go by and I may forget). So no complaining is the same thing. Uh, nope.

I thought after reading that last night, tomorrow I am going to try this. Well upon waking up early, even though it's the first day back to reality from a long (warm) vacation, I thought its early but the sun is almost up...looks like it will be a nice sunny day. 

Both boys got up without a grumble. I had my coffee, some quiet morning time. So far so good.

But by the time I dropped Shorty and friend off to school for band practice...I was COMPLAINING LOUDLY about how cold it is this morning. I was in a t-shirt and shorts two days ago. It read a balmy 37 degrees on my car thermometer this morning. Ack!!! So by 8:00 a.m. I was a failure. 

But in my attempt to be kinder to myself, I am giving myself a do over. Beginning at 8:02 a.m....its 8:52 and so far so good. 

Of course I haven't left the house yet (but I plan on dressing warmer when I do). And I haven't actually spoken to anyone yet since 8:02. (although I realize I am apt to complain out loud to myself when no one is around) Should be an interesting day. Why do I test myself all the time? I am not sure. I guess in an attempt to do better. 

OK yes it's still cold here in NY on April 2nd. But really, I don't have much to complain about. Maybe complaining is just a bad habit, that can be broken. I think it may be hard, but worthwhile. 

While I will attempt no complaining today, I doubt it will last forever. But if I can be conscious of it, maybe I can tone it down a bit. Who the heck wants to be around someone who complains all the time. I wouldn't, so trying not to be that person maybe is a good idea.

So the sun is shining...spring is on its way. My daffodils bloomed while I was away. No complaints here. 


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