Wednesday, December 8, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cara: Holiday Rush

I am trying not to have to rush. Really I am. I don't like to be rushed. Seems I can't help myself. I keep thinking it's next week. Or tomorrow. What the heck????

I am making a cake to bring to Book Swap on Thursday. I need to make the dough the day before and let it sit overnight. So can you tell me why yesterday (Tuesday) I had all my stuff out, I had the softened butter in the Kitchen Aid mixer ready to roll...and then think...wait! It's Tuesday, not Wednesday. WTF am I doing?????? Erg!!!!!

I keep thinking Saturday is the 18th instead of the 11th and have sent several people who have the same craziness on the 18th as me into a panic thinking crazy day is this Saturday. I am rushing the days and the weeks.

It may be because next week is crazy week with concerts, school shows, teacher conferences, 1 million cookies to bake and out of town relatives arriving, so this poor lovely uneventful week is getting rushed.

I am not the only one rushing. People are driving like nuts too. Either not paying attention, or checking lists at stop lights causing the line in back of them to FREAK out and start beeping (that wasn't me mind you, I saw that happen). Or like the jerk behind me yesterday, that was in such a hurry to get around me cause I had the nerve to slow down to make a left, that he gunned it through the yellow/red light. This just as an old lady who certainly had her angel on her shoulder, was s-l-o-w-ly making left in front of him. She glided by and he went up on the curb and crashed into a sign. Yikes!

I am really trying not to rush the rest of the week. Good thing is I had all this new found time yesterday after I put my butter back in the fridge. So my words of wisdom for today is to not rush. Christmas will come same day it always does. Everything will get done and even if it doesn't who cares.
(feel free to remind me of that two weeks from now when I whiz by you at lightening speed!!)


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