Monday, August 15, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Happy Birthday Cara!


Today is your day...kick back, put your feet up and eat all the cake you want.

Why thanks pal! You beat me to the blog this morning! Even though maybe some days being 20something may be better or more fun than being 44...on this rainy (which is more often than not) birthday morning a few thoughts on being another year older and "wiser"....

* Sometimes you have to make hard decisions because they are what's best

* There are some fences that need to be mended and others that you just have to leave alone

* Time marches on no matter how much sometimes you wish
it wouldn't. Just take each stage of life as it comes and enjoy it...just because it all goes by so fast doesn't mean the here and now isn't wonderful too

*Be true to who you are. I know that sounds over used but it's good advice. As soon as I try not to care, be involved or do the right thing I don't feel good. I feel like something is missing. And it is...a piece of me.

*Step up and and do your share. Whatever that is. Whatever is the right amount for you personally. Don't just sit by and watch things fall apart.

*Let (new) people in. Even though on the outside you say you are "done" and you have enough friends. You're not and you don't. There's always room for more.

*Block out the noise as best you can. It's REALLY hard sometimes but if you can you'll realize how much better off you'll be!

Every year when I think I know it all and I get it now, things happen to make me think about things differently. I learn something new about people...good and bad too unfortunately. But I guess the trick is to take what you learn and apply it to how you live your life. I am happy to report that 44 does come with a lot of know how. A lot of right choices for the right reasons. A lot of not giving a dam what people think and doing what I want to do cause I want to do it. Maybe 40something does have it going on. 20something ain't all that.


Anonymous said...

At the risk of being repetitive, great job!!

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